Saturday, December 25, 2010

Blissful Happiness

Ahhhh, soaking my aching feet into a hot bathtub sure is nice. I love the feeling of how the warmth soaks into my icy cold skin, making this electrical feeling. Doesn't that ever happen to you? Well, it does to me, especially after a long night of staring into the computer with no idea of what to write. (sigh) I hate my history project. Takes forever for me to figure out what to write, but don't worry I got other ways to do things. Oh shoot gotta go. Got the police coming after me. See ya

Friday, December 24, 2010

Feeling Alive Mwhahahaha!

OmG I can't control myself. I got this surge of energy pipping through me. Can't. Stop. This. INSANE. Energy. Also my throat hurts. Ouch :(  but no worries. maybe a little trip through the human town Arcadia will satisfy me. Yum...can't wait. see ya. gotta go eat dinner. Yum